Scabal as it’s known today in which not many know, is an acronym for Société Commerciale Anglo Belgo Allemande Luxembourgeoise. Which translates to Anglo Belgo German Luxembourgish Commercial Company.

Scabal was founded by the son of a cloth merchant, Otto Herts in 1938. Scabal today is led by Gregor Thissen, the son of Otto Herts’ most valued associate, J.P Thissen. Gregor Thissen alongside Executive Chairman, Stefano Rivera, who later joined in 2013 as CEO has become the world’s leading innovator in men’s luxury wear around the world. While Scabal considers itself a family business when it comes to ownership, the family spirit also extends to the company’s employees. Mr. Hertz would bring international tailors together and include them as family. By 1970, Scabal had grown into an international company with many employees throughout Europe. Scabals reputation in tailoring has been built on crafting garments that exceed expectations. Well-trained tailors and seamstresses form a central pillar of this personal development and innovative technology.

In 1971, Scabal collaborated with Spanish artist Salvador Dali. The famous surrealist master created a series of 12 exclusive paintings for the company. The 12 artworks depicted the artists’ unique vision of how fine tailored clothing would have evolved into the 21st Century. To this day, those paintings remain resting comfortably in the company’s vaults. Shortly after, the decision was taken to establish Scabal at the center of the sartorial universe, on London’s legendary Savile Row at No.12; the number we can still find Scabal standing today. (notice the thread of number“12s”; 12 was Ottos’ lucky number).
In 1973, Scabal established their very own mill in Huddersfield, the home of
traditional English cloth making. As with many Yorkshire mills, this area’s soft water
gives the cloth a recognizable fine finish which is just chefs kiss. In 1989, a new
dimension was added to the company- Scabal offered its own made-to-measure
service, giving limitless potential for the customer to create their perfect garment
using quality fabric made in England.

“From our Yorkshire mill and our
flagship store in Savile Row, we
remain true to our traditional
values whilst continuing to
create modern tailored
-Gregor Thissen
It is the many loyal customers, located around the world that make Scabal what it is today. To name drop a couple of those A-List customers, do you recall Vito Corleone’s famous tuxedo, as worn by Marlon Brando in The Godfather? Or almost every one of Robert DeNiro’s iconic 70 suits in Casino? Or James Bond, Jack Dawson in Titanic, and Howard Hughes in The Aviator? Yup! Dressed with the assistance of the Scabal team.

Aside from having some of the most well-known celebrities and fashion brands wearing Scabal fabrics- Scabal quickly established itself internationally by being the first to create The Bunch Book and pioneered the fine fabrics that broke the Super 100’s, 120’s, 150’s, 180’s, and Super 200’s barriers. The Supers simply determine the quality and feel of the fabric. The higher the number, the softer the fabric; which is nicer and drapes better on the body. By joining traditional craftsmanship and artisan techniques with modern technology, Scabal continues to innovate in creating modern fabrics that are not only pleasing to the eye but provides pieces of cloth that are comfortable when tailored. In addition, Scabal’s years of weaving experience and innovative technology allow for the company to be the first company to blend precious materials such as diamonds and gold directly into the cloth.

Book a consultation with us today!