Pinstripe suits are a good business choice for anyone. Chalk stripes are among my favorites (featured here) assuming they’re in a conservative color like charcoal or navy. If you’re in law, politics, or finance in the Triangle, a more subtle pinstripe is the go-to. Leave the black pinstripes and stark chalk stripes for New York, unless you’re 100% able to pull it off without being off-putting… Please avoid the cheap-looking pinstriped “suits” (slacks are a different matter) that have stripes less than a 1/8inch apart. I see these all the time at the latest department store sale and clearance rack. Not to be a jerk, but please know that some patterns just look cheap and ill-timed, and lastly dude, it’s usually $89 for a reason. Just call us or text us a picture and one of our stylists/fit advisors can advise you-its free.

Fun Fact: Did you know that the pinstripe suit is theorized to have originated from banking uniforms? One director of a Saville Row tailoring house states  “In the 19th Century on the High Street, striped trousers were worn in the city with a morning coat, and each bank identified themselves with a different type of stripe” .

Lastly, do remember that pinstriped ensembles are slightly less malleable in terms of what shirt/tie you can pair. Your best bet is to go with ancrisp white shirt featuring a spread collar, patterned tie (NOT geometric shapes or stripes), and a smart pair of cap-toe or wing-tipped oxfords. Text our iStyling number at 919.951.4755 for details on where to grab a pair!



“Your Tailor Should Always Be More Vain Than You”

Appointment for Alterations/Tailoring

Tailoring of sportcoat’s, suiting, shirting, skirts- Professional and dress casual wear. Note: Have a simple hem only? To maximize our time,do not set an appointment- just walk in! If appts are set for hems only they will be canceled…

20 mins

Bespoke Garment Commission

For professionals committed to enhancing and/or building a comprehensive, style centric bespoke wardrobe. This is ideal for a Professional- C-Suite executive too busy for internet shopping and value full wardrobe design/curation for a timeless…

45 mins

$75 Deposit

Bridal Gown Consultation

You Said Yes!!!… Congratulations friend, Fit is everything, which is why when it comes to your wedding dress, alterations are also everything. After all, your wedding day is the only day you’ll be showing off your stunning gown that took…

1 hr

Tailoring Pickup (NOT BESPOKE)

20 mins


1 hr 45 mins

$800 Deposit

Trouser/Pant Hem

For hemming of Trousers/Pants-FYI we are no longer tailoring bridesmaids dress, Bridal gowns absolutely yes! Thank you

10 mins